The Pan African Climate Justice (PACJA) and Kenya Platform for Climate Governance (KPCG) convened at the 7th Edition launch of the African climate change and Environmental Awards (ACCER).
The event-themed role of media in shaping African Narratives towards the COP27 and beyond attracted various journalists and movement personnel who were engaged in measures and means of mitigation for the environment.
The campaign is aimed at empowering the community by ensuring the realization of human rights awareness, also enabling technological advancements in curbing the impacts of climate change, and encouraging aid from the developed nations.
This fight against climate change is an initiative that has been talked on a while now with minimum change on the issue hence a call for action and measures taken towards ensuring it’s all implemented in employing the use of zero-emission equipment.
Through empowering the journalists, the ACCER awards intend to recognize and award excellence in Environmental and climatic change that’s highly affecting the globe though minimally addressed and spoken of through most media sources.
Urging journalists to go ahead and assist in highlighting areas majorly unseen by the public, in this notion it’s a move to motivate the media personnel including freelances and bloggers to raise key issues on the climate change as well as set the agenda for the climate change.
Having resonated at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties COP26 which was a success, the organizations aim at setting the pace through adequate preparation for the oncoming COP27.
Hence inviting the journalists and as well empower climate activists to take part in the walk for the initiative attainment and success against the climate effects.
Climate change is quite visible as rainy seasons are no longer as was the norm, nowadays rainfalls come in late and end early leaving a persistent dryness that has caused droughts, famine, and eventually hunger.
These turn out to be key issues in the human survival hierarchy since it’s through this that we are able to attain safe water, and food and even save our livestock which since a time memorial been a part of African lives.
Mr. Mithika, Executive director of PACJA, reminded the convened audience that it’s the journalists who are the catalysts in information impact and as much as the audience and citizens can be reached at large.
Adding that intergovernmental reports have consequently stated that an action has to be taken in curbing climate change before it’s too late since it’s already late as we can visualize.
The world is already steadily getting warmer.
Some of the ways this can be attained are through majorly enabling farmers through information and creation of awareness on the reasons why they keep achieving minimum reduction with every harvest over the years.
During the budget read in Kenya, an allocation of up to 60 billion for action on climate change was evident but the main question is what action is going to be undertaken on the ground actually targeting to actualize this rehabilitation of our environment.
Joining the forum and conversation was Dr Ogola, PACIFICA general who being at Addis Ababa had to be in attendance virtually recognized efforts by Kenyans and organizations within in bringing the climate change initiative to a done deal.
Responding to some of the measures that had been put in place during the COP26 as to have been worked on and are in execution soon as they are passed through in the legislature.
Enabling people with a capability of articulation to exploit their potential to the maximum in efforts towards the change of climate.
Since the goal is to work together towards implementing and executing the measures intended for improvement in improving the climate situation even reporting on the outcome at last.
African Energy Transition a PACJA Project.
In Africa, there is a need to make a move from high carbon emissions taking a shift to low carbon emissions.
Madam Hope spoke on the need for energy transition as the West has shown the need for change by embracing the use of nuclear and coal energy majorly as well as South Africa’s involvement in the renewable source of energy.
Africa being adversely affected needs to stand up and embark on a mission of bringing up Renewable energy resources like Geothermal power, solar power, and wind energy can be harnessed.
Renewable energy will be a move that will allow for the growth of not only Kenya but also Africa as a continent to grow which will see a growth from diesel and fuels use to a better way.
As earlier mentioned by Mr. Balala that by 2030 the visitors of the national park won’t be allowed in with diesel or petrol cars only mean electric cars are on the way as it can be seen in the UK a shell company restructured itself into a battery charging station.